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The Separation Technology
Screening Machine SIS

Screening machine SIS
For screening dry bulk material the screening machine SIS can be the first choice.
Oscillating and mounted on springs this screening machine operates by two overhead
eccentric motors. The two sieve layers can be accessed easily using the unique swivel
mechanism. Screen sizes, hole sizes, stroke and speed are individually adjusted
to the material to be classified. Designed dust-tight the screening machine SIS can be
connected to an aspiration system. Individual requirements are taken into account
regarding width, length and wear housing versions. High-quality materials
like HARDOX, PU and stainless steel support an optimal screening performance.
produced by our partner TRENNSO-TECHNIK® GmbH in Weißenhorn, Germany
Tel. +49 151 / 58242045 I
TST Overseas GmbH
Nico Mummert
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